Part of the Glyn Academies Trust

Reception Class: Robins


Warlingham Village Primary School’s

Early Years Vision Statement

Developing a foundation for a love of learning by providing children with the tools and skills they need to discover, explore and explain in later life.


We will achieve this through:

  • Vibrant and exciting explorative tasks linked to a wide range of relevant topics.
  • A balance of child-initiated and adult-led learning opportunities to support development across identified learning gaps.
  • Building close relationships with the families of our children to focus on their learning and care collaboratively.
  • Working with other practitioners to continue to develop best practice in our setting.
  • Focussing on the Characteristics of Effective Learning to provide a solid foundation for learning, independence, resilience building, risk taking and sustained effort in challenges.
  • Enabling children to recognise their own value, that of others and their place in the world



xmas decoratiosn with parents

Making decoratiosn with our parents


Being gardeners!


Being builders!


Being artists!

A House for CHristmas Mouse

Being creative!

making bread

Being cooks!


Being mathematicians!

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GLF EYFS Vision Statement

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The EYFS Framework exists to support all professionals working in the EYFS to help your child, and was developed with a number of early years experts and parents.

It sets out:

· The legal welfare requirements that everyone registered to look after children must follow to keep your child safe and promote their welfare.

 · The 7 areas of learning and development which guide professionals’ engagement with your child’s play and activities as they learn new skills and knowledge.

· Assessments that will tell you about your child’s progress through the EYFS.

 · Expected levels that your child should reach at age 5, usually the end of the reception year; these expectations are called the “Early Learning Goals (ELGs). There is also guidance for the professionals supporting your child on planning the learning activities, and observing and assessing what and how your child is learning and developing.

The EYFS Framework explains how and what your child will be learning to support their healthy development. Your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through 7 areas of learning and development. Children should mostly develop the 3 prime areas first. These are:

· Communication and language

· Physical development

· Personal, social and emotional development

These prime areas are those most essential for your child’s healthy development and future learning. As children grow, the prime areas will help them to develop skills in 4 specific areas. These are:

· Literacy

· Mathematics

 · Understanding the world

· Expressive arts and design.

These 7 areas are used to plan your child’s learning and activities. The professionals teaching and supporting your child will make sure that the activities are suited to your child’s unique needs. This is a little bit like a curriculum in primary and secondary schools, but it is suitable for very young children, and it is designed to be really flexible so that staff can follow your child's unique needs and interests. Children in the EYFS learn by playing and exploring, being active, and through creative and critical thinking which takes place both indoors and outside.

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Our Reception Team are:

Class Teacher

Teaching Assistant

Mrs G. Dunford (Mon-Wed) & Mrs C. Gibbs (Thur-Fri)

Mrs Brown

The Reception area at Warlingham Village is a welcoming, vibrant and happy place for your child to be. We use the characteristics of effective learning to ensure your child plays and explores, gets involved, is creative and thinks critically. The classroom is set up so that all the children can self-select the resources that they need to progress their learning. We encourage independence and promote self-confidence and awareness of people, communities and world around us through carefully planned topics.


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Links to pupil resources:

Phonics Play                                  


phonics play

Links to parent resources:

Parent's maths workshop PowerPoint



maths workshop
Parent's phonics workshop PowerPoint phonics workshop
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