Part of the Glyn Academies Trust

Jargon Buster


We have compiled a list of words and acronyms that are frequently used around our school.

Blue Buttons Learning skills for Growth Mindset and independent learning that are rewarded with House Points
DDSL Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
DSL Designated Safeguarding Lead
EHCP Educational Health Care Plan. Children on the SEN register that have an EHCP will also have a SNA to work with them and have specific targets to attain
Expected Standard (EXS) The appropriate standard that a pupil should be working at for that time in the year
EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage
GLD Good Level of Development (assessment description in EYFS)
Golden House Point House Points awarded for Warlingham Village Star behaviour around the school
Greater Depth (GDS) Pupils working beyond the expected standard for that time in the year
House Points Rewards given in school for good general behaviour and learning behaviour
ISP Individual Support Plan. Every child on the SEN register will have one of these with targets to achieve each term
KS1/KS2/UKS2 Key Stage 1(years 1 & 2)/ Lower Key Stage 2(years 3 & 4)/ Upper Key Stage 2 (years 5 & 6)
Provision Map Chart of extra provisions for pupils to support them in achieving their targets
School Code Warlingham Village Star Behaviour Code (see Behaviour Policy)

SEN Leader

SEN Support Children that are on the Special Educational Needs register for requiring more support than the universal teaching that the teacher and teaching assistant can provide. They will have specific targets to achieve.
SNA Special Needs Assistant (attached to a child with an EHCP or a specific learning difficulty in the school such as speech & language)
SMCS Spiritual, moral, cultural and social education
SSB  School Standards Board
TA Teaching assistant (attached to a class)
Thrive Support in place for social and emotional development in the form of Thrive groups and Thrive 1:1 sessions