Part of the Glyn Academies Trust

School Information

Warlingham Village Primary School is housed in an Edwardian building dating from 1912 which contains five classrooms, a central hall/ dining room/ gym, a small room used for a breakfast and afterschool club, cloakrooms, a staff room and offices. There are two demountable units, the larger housing two classrooms and cloakroom, the smaller housing the ICT Suite and Library/small groups room. We have two playgrounds and a field that is surrounded on three sides by woodland. Extra sports facilities are available and environmental studies and outdoor education are enhanced by the use of Blanchman's Farm Community Wildlife Area.

Currently, there are 210 pupils on roll based in seven classes, one for each year. Most of the classes have 30 children each. There are six full-time teachers and every class has adult assistants every day.